A young child looks through a gate as an American Marine keeps watch whilst on patrol in Khan Neshin, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, the furthest south of any coalition troops and near the border of Pakistan Tuesday Aug. 25, 2009. ...
A young child looks through a gate as an American Marine keeps watch whilst on patrol in Khan Neshin, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, the furthest south of any coalition troops and near the border of Pakistan Tuesday Aug. 25, 2009. ...
Mio padre, anziano di molto, e' venuto a farmi visita durante l'bestate/b. Ed ha avuto bisogno di cure mediche straordinarie. Un piccolo ? stroke '. Penso in Italia si dica ictus o infarto. E' stato portato all' ospedale locale. b..../b Reportage - Bambini e Marines a Khan bNeshin/b, Afghanistan ? Reportage - Katmandu. Il sacrificio propiziatorio di 300.000 animali ? Reportage - Karachi, Pakistan. Una scuola islamica ? Reportage - Terra santa: la vita quotidiana ai tempi del muro ...